This article examines the ethical dimensions of the controversy over no-citation rules and current publication practices. In the literature concerning that controversy, ethical concerns are often mentioned, but usually in tandem with other concerns. Professor Caudill isolates and categorizes the different types of ethical dilemmas, and demonstrates that at different levels of the controversy, the ethical concerns are different. He identifies three levels--the controversy over no-citation rules, the broader controversy over publication practices, and the even broader controversy over privatization of law (the so-called disappearing trial, ADR, and the end of law as we know it).
Jurisprudence | Litigation
Date of this Version
August 2005
Recommended Citation
Caudill, David S. , "Parades of Horribles, Circles of Hell: Ethical Dimensions of the Publication Controversy" (2005). Working Paper Series. 36.
Working paper submitted for publication.