Possible Future Work by Uncitral in the Field of Contract Law: Preliminary Thoughts from the Secretariat
Renaud Sorieul, Emma Hatcher, and Cyril Emery
Defining the Borders of Uniform International Contract Law: The CISG and Remedies for Innocent, Negligent, or Fraudulent Misrepresentation
Ulrich G. Schroeter
Principles of Asian Contract Law: An Endeavor of Regional Harmonization of Contract Law in East Asia
Shiyuan Han
The Intrepretation in Mexico of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Alejandro Osuna-Ganzalez
An Assessment of the Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods Through Case Law
Luca G. Castellani
Unidroit Principles as a Source for Global Sales Law
Henry Deeb Gabriel
CISG and UPICC As the Basis for an International Convention on International Commercial Contracts
Jan Ramberg
CISG as Basis of a Comprehensive International Sales Law
Larry A. DiMatteo
Who Needs a Uniform Contract law, and Why?
Ingeborg Schwenzer
Applicable Law, the CISG, and the Future Convention on International Commercial Contracts
Pilar Perales Viscasillas
Attorneys' Fees -- Last Ditch Stand?
Bruno Zeller