Enron - When All Systems Fail: Creative Destruction or Roadmap to Corporate Governance Reform
Douglas M. Branson
Enron: A Financial Reporting Failure
Anthony H. Catanach Jr. and Shelley Rhoades-Catanach
Managing and Monitoring Conflicts of Interest: Empowering the Outside Directors with Independent Counsel
James D. Cox
Is There a Role for Lawyers in Preventing Future Enrons
Jill E. Fisch and Kenneth M. Rosen
Managing the Expectations Gap in Inventor Protection: The SEC and the Post-Enron Reform Agenda
Donald C. Langevoort
Observations on the Role of Commodification, Indpendence, and Governance in the Accounting Industry
Jonathan Macey and Hillary A. Sale
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Reinvention of Corporate Governance
Lawrence E. Mitchell