2019 Decisions
As a recognized backup archive for the United States Court for the Third Circuit, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law maintains digital copies of all opinions filed by the Court since May of 1994. New opinions are added monthly.
NOTE: Most opinions are marked "Precedential" or "Non-Precedential", either on the cover page, or somewhere on the first page of the opinion. Non-Precedential Opinions are only binding upon the parties involved, and should not be cited or relied upon for the legal principles stated within.
Also, even precedential opinions may have been overruled since the time the case was published. The legal validity of any of these opinions should be checked with a citator (e.g. Lexis' Shepard's or Westlaw's KeyCite)
Norma Vazquez v. Triad Media Solutions Inc
Nelson Quinteros v. Attorney General United States
Township of Marlboro Board of v. H. L.
Brandon Fake v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Charles Garrett, III v. Commissioner of Internal Reven
In Re: Millennium Lab Holdings II LLC
Jerome Katz v. Commissioner Social Security
Jaime Baltazar-Sanchez v. Attorney General United States
Daniel Ferreras v. American Airlines Inc
Wells Fargo v. Bear Stearns Co Inc
Anthony Caiby v. Tammy Ferguson
Ryan Kurzinsky v. Petzl America Inc
Coral Harbor Rehabilitation v. NLRB
Arturo Espichan v. Attorney General United States
Jane Doe v. Janssen Therapeutics
Monongahela Valley Hospital v. United Steel Paper and Forestr
Janine Orie v. District Attorney Allegheny Co
Janine Orie v. District Attorney Allegheny Co
Sheida Hukman v. American Airlines Inc