2002 Decisions
As a recognized backup archive for the United States Court for the Third Circuit, Villanova University School of Law maintains digital copies of all opinions filed by the Court since May of 1994. New opinions are added monthly.
NOTE: Most opinions are marked "Precedential" or "Non-Precedential", either on the cover page, or somewhere on the first page of the opinion. Non-Precedential Opinions are only binding upon the parties involved, and should not be cited or relied upon for the legal principles stated within.
Also, even precedential opinions may have been overruled since the time the case was published. The legal validity of any of these opinions should be checked with a citator (e.g. Lexis' Shepard's or Westlaw's KeyCite)
Fricker v. Comm Social Security
Genesis Bio Pharm v. Chiron Corp
City of Philadelphia v. Beretta USA Corp.
In Re. Ikon v. City of Philadelphia
Club Camanche Inc. v. Govt. of Virgin Islands
Lepages Inc v. MN Mining Mfg Co
Lepages Inc v. MN Mining Mfg Co
Ricciardi v. Consolidated Rail
Matson Lumber Co v. Twin Cty Fire Ins
Philadelphia v. Beretta USA Corp
Stafford v. EI DuPont de Nemours
Bailey v. Comm Social Security
Lepages Inc v. MN Mining Mfg Co
Dunleavy v. County of Delaware
Walters v. Comm Social Security
Coast Auto Grp Ltd v. VW Credit Inc
DE River Stevedores v. Director OWCP
DE River Stevedores v. Director OWCP
Wilson v. Comm Social Security
Pub Ser Elec & Gas v. Intl Brhd Elec Work
PA Power Co v. Local Union 272
Spa Time Inc v. Bally Total Fitness
Epcon Group Inc v. Danburry Farms Inc