Publication Date
Start Date
19-2-2021 8:50 AM
End Date
19-2-2021 8:55 AM
This Symposium analyzes three areas in which lawyers should understand the impact of unethical behavior. First, what does science tell us about our capacity as individuals to behave ethically or unethically? Next, how have educational institutions and corporations gone about addressing and instructing ethical behavior? Specifically, how have institutions addressed practical ethics in the corporate law sphere? Lastly, what can “real-world” scenarios tell us about practical ethics in corporate law?
Welcome & Introductory Remarks
This Symposium analyzes three areas in which lawyers should understand the impact of unethical behavior. First, what does science tell us about our capacity as individuals to behave ethically or unethically? Next, how have educational institutions and corporations gone about addressing and instructing ethical behavior? Specifically, how have institutions addressed practical ethics in the corporate law sphere? Lastly, what can “real-world” scenarios tell us about practical ethics in corporate law?