Multiple Characterizations for the Single Entity Argument: Professional Sports Limited Partnership v. National Basketball Association
Timothy R. Deckert
Bery v. New York: Do Artists Have a First Amendment Right to Sell and Display Art in Public Places
Christina A. Mathes
What's in the Cards for the Future of Indian Gaming Law
William Bennett Cooper III
John F. Murphy
The Recovery of Stolen Cultural Property: A Practitioner's View - War Stories and Morality Tales
Lawrence M. Kaye
Seizure and Forfeiture of Cultural Property by the United States
James A.R. Nafziger
The Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects Confirms a Separate Property Status for Cultural Treasures
Marilyn E. Phelan
Museums Can Do Better: Acquisitions Policies Concerning Stolen and Illegally Exported Art
Linda F. Pinkerton