Call to the Bullpen: Saving High School Student Athlete Name, Image, and Likeness Rights
Francesca Casalino
Brian Flores's Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Against the NFL: A Game Changer or Business As Usual?
Michael Conklin, Jennifer Barger-Johnson, and Marty Ludlum
Cut Athletes' Injunction Hail Mary: Covid-19 and the Unveiling of Title IX Noncompliance in Collegiate Sports
Elizabeth Kletsel
Is Age Just a Number: The Intersection of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Professional Sports
Kacey McCann
High School Coaches Call a Foul: Important Considerations for High School Coaches Considering a Defamation Claim
Mallory Shumaker
2022: The Age of the Empowered Athlete
Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal