Score a Touchdown, Kiss Your Tattoo, and Get Sued for Copyright Infringement?
Darren A. Heitner and Alan Wilmot
Into the Wild: Can Regulation of Wilderness Recreational Activities Improve Safety and Reduce Search and Rescue Incidents?
Anne Villella and T.K. Keen
Who Let the Dogs Out: Should a Stadium Owner Be Held Liable for Injuries Sustained from a Mascot's Errant Hot Dog Toss?
Joshua D. Winneker, David Gargone, and Sam C. Ehrlich
Fumble! How the North Carolina Courts Dropped the Ball in McAdoo v. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Katherine D. Tohanczyn
Stepping Up to the Plate: Can the City of San Jose Overcome Baseball's Antitrust Exemption?
John Becker
Where is the Awareness in Concussion Awareness: Can Concussed Players Really Assume the Risk in a Concussed State?
Heather MacGillivray
Official Timeout on the Field: Critics Have Thrown a Red Flag and are Challenging the NFL's Tax-Exempt Status, Calling for It to Be Revoked
Christian Schmed
An Inside Look at the World of Agents: Past Present, and Future: Panels 1 & 3
Andrew Brandt, David Cornwell, David Feher, and Tom Condon