INTERVIEW - NFL Concussion Litigation Resolved: Inside the Settlement With Plaintiff's Co-Lead Counsel, Sol Weiss
Sol Weiss and Andrew Brandt
When is Minority not Minority: NCAA Ignores Two Centuries of Anglo-American Contract Law Respecting Legal Status
M. Mark Heekin and Bruce W. Burton
Remember the Titan: Matthews v. NFL Leaves the Playing Field Wide Open for Future Compensation Claimants
Angela Casey Brosnan
Atwater v. NFLPA: Casting Doubt on the Effect of Exculpatory Language in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Timothy L. Kianka
Sticking the Landing: How the Second Circuit's Decision in Biediger v. Quinnipiac Univ. Can Help Competitive Cheerleading Achieve "Sport" Status Under Title IX
Jacqueline R. Liguori
"Half Mental": Resolving the Risks Posed by Dual Competencies in Applied Sport Psychology
Francis X. Baker