Pension and Profit Sharing Plans: Coverage and Operation for Closely Held Corporations and Professional Associations
Arlen Specter
FTC Procedure Revisions: A Critique
Martin F. Connor III
Lemuel Shaw: America's Greatest Magistrate
Leonard W. Levy
Civil Procedure - Nonresident Motorist Statutes - Extent to which Jurisdiction May Be Acquired
Edwin W. Scott and Michael R. Bradley
Estate Planning - Marital Deduction - Formula Gifts
Gerald P. Lally
Labor Law - Labor Management Relations Act - Compensatory and Punitive Damages for Breach of Collective Bargaining Agreement
Thomas F. Caffrey
Labor Law - Right to Strike - No-Strike Clause Bars Strike Where Unfair Labor Practice Is Not Serious in Nature
Stuart Hubert Savett
Torts - Wrongful Death - Suicide as Result of Uncontrollable Impulse Caused by Negligently Inflicted Injuries
William F. Coyle
Arthur Clement Pulling
Harold Gill Reuschlein