Norman J. Shachoy Symposium: Gender Equality in Law SchoolsSymposia
Women Law Professors: The First Century (1896-1996)
Catherine J. Lanctot
The Intersectionality of Law Librarianship & Gender
Jamie J. Baker
Shouting into the Wind: How the ABA Standards Promote Inequality in Legal Education, and What Law Students and Faculty Should Do About It
Mary Beth Beazley
Law School Dean Wanted: A Woman For All Reasons
Susan Hanley Duncan, Karen Lott, and Catherine Pettis
Institutional Service, Student Care-Work, and Misogyny: Naming the Problem and Mitigating the Harm
Mary A. Lynch and Andrea A. Curcio
Legal Education as Hegemonic Masculinity
Dara E. Purvis
Persistent Structural Barriers to Gender Equity in the Legal Academy and the Efforts of Two Legal Writing Organizations to Break Them Down
Ruth Anne Robbins, Kristen K. Tiscione, and Melissa H. Weresh