
Submissions from 2024

The Campaign Lawyer, Mark C. Alexander


The Elephant in the Dark Room: A Response to Fair Notice, The Rule of Law and Reforming Qualified Immunity, Teressa E. Ravenell
75 Florida Law Review Forum 132 (2024)


Continuing Education for Directors of Public Companies, Jennifer O'Hare
51 Florida State Law Review 373 (2024)


The Duty to Diversify and the Logic of Indexing, Richard A. Booth
75 UC Law Journal 555 (2024)

The Voice of Criminal Law, Michelle Madden Dempsey
18 Criminal Law and Philosophy 599 (2024)


The Pressing Need of FDA Regulation of Tattoo Ink, Ana Santos Rutschman, Lisa A. Verity, and Michael S. Sinha
11 Journal of Law and Biosciences (2024)

Domestic Violence Work as a Lens for Trauma-Informed Lawyering, Deeya Haldar
How To Account for Trauma and Emotions in Law Teaching 156 (2024)

Reflecting on Nearly Four Decades of the Great American Sentencing Songbook, Steven L. Chanenson and Douglas A. Berman
36 Federal Sentencing Reporter 229 (2024)


A Theory of Genetic Dimensions in the Law, Ana Santos Rutschman, Yaniv Heled, and Liza Vertinsky
99 Indiana Law Journal 1341 (2024)


Squeezing Blood from Stones? A Comparative Analysis of Tax Relief for Victim-Survivors in Australia and the United States, Christine Speidel, Leslie Book, and Ann Kayis-Kumar
39 Australian Tax Forum 191 (2024)


The Business of Abortion: Access to Capital Post Dobbs, Itay Ravid and Jonathan Zandberg
75 UC Law Journal 975 (2024)


Police-Made Law, Brenner M. Fissell
108 Minnesota Law Review 2561 (2024)

Learning Constitutional Law: Powers, Structure, and the Fourteenth Amendment, Mark C. Alexander, Louis D. Bilionis, Thomas B. McAffee, and A. Christopher Bryant


Judges Should Be Discerning Consensus, Not Evaluating Scientific Expertise, David S. Caudill, Harry Collins, and Robert Evans
92 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1031 (2024)

Embracing Dignity: Pennsylvania's Experiment with Scandinavian Correctional Principles, Steven L. Chanenson, Jordan M. Hyatt, and Synøve N. Andersen
Excessive Punishment: How the Justice System Creates Mass Incarceration 211 (2024)


A Threshold Assessment: Is Technology Among the Competencies Tested by the MPRE?, Amy A. Emerson
20 University of St. Thomas Law Journal 345 (2024)

Under Jackie's Shadow: Voices of Black Minor Leaguers Baseball Left Behind, Mitchell Nathanson


Is Insurance "Just A Contract" or a "Just Contract"?, Chaim Saiman
83 Maryland Law Review 819 (2024)


Keeping Kosher in the Age of AI, Chaim Saiman
Mosaic Magazine (2024)


Canada's Special Economic Measures Act Under International Law, Preston Jordan Lim
Just Security (2024)


A Codified Liabilty Regime to Stimulate Greater Investment in Subpatentable Innovation, Ana Santos Rutschman and Jerome H. Reichman
57 U.C. Davis Law Review 2027 (2024)


Canceling Appellate Precedent, Michael A. Risch and Lisa A. Tucker
76 Florida Law Review 175 (2024)

Comment on Consent to Bodily Harm and the Public Interest (Book Chapter) by Daniel Bansal and Tracey Elliott, Michelle Madden Dempsey
2 Proposals and Critique Criminal Law Reform Now 210 (2024)


Tribes,States, and Sovereigns' Interest in Children, Emily Stolzenberg
102 North Carolina Law Review (2024)

Submissions from 2023


Identifying and Supporting Financially Vulnerable Women Experiencing Economic Abuse: A Grounded Theory Approach, Leslie Book, Ann Kayis-Kumar, Youngdeok Lim, Jack Noone, Michael Walpole, and Jan Breckenridge
21 eJournal of Tax Research 173 (2023)


The New Candian Defence: The Impact of UNDRIP Article 30 on Canadian Domestic Defence Strategy, Preston Jordan Lim
49 Queen's Law Journal 1 (2023)


The Crisis of Unrepresented Immigrants: Vastly Increasing the Number of Accredited Representatives Offers the Best Hope for Resolving It, Michele R. Pistone
92 Fordham Law Review 893 (2023)

La persecución penal de la violencia contra las mujeres: hacia un enforque basado en méritos de la suficiencia probatoria, Michelle Madden Dempsey
Castigo, Proceso Y Teoria Politica 229 (2023)


Lessons from a Retiring Legal Writing Professor, Mary Ann Robinson
36 The Second Draft (2023)


Technology Specificity and Equitable Access to Pharmaceuticals, Ana Santos Rutschman
21 Northwest Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 57 (2023)


Leveraging Technology to Promote Access to Justice, Amy Emerson
28 AALL Spectrum 10 (2023)


Virtual Criminal Law Dualism, Itay Ravid and Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg
2023 University of Illinois Law Review 1453 (2023)


140 Characters to Justice? The Promise and Perils of Using Social Media to Reveal Lay Punishment Perspectives, Itay Ravid and Rotem Dror
2023 University of Illinois Law Review 1473 (2023)


Law and Its Limits: Ethical Issues in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, David S. Caudill
13 St.Mary's Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 2 (2023)


Building A Culture of Scholarship with New Clinical Teachers by Writing About Social Justice Lawyering, Caroline Wick, Susan Bennett, Binny Miller, Michelle Assad, Maria Dooner, Mariam Hinds, Jessica Millward, Citalli Ochoa, Charles Ross, and Anne Schaufele
31 American Univeristy Journal of Gender Social Policy and the Law 311 (2023)


Friction-In-Design Regulation as 21st Century Time, Place, and Manner Restriction, Brett Frischmann and Susan Benesch
25 Yale Journal of Law and Technology 376 (2023)

Truth, Lies, and Spelunking: Protecting the Investigative Reporters We Send into the Cave, Doris DelTosto Brogan
102 Oregon Law Review 163 (2023)


The Somalia Affair and the Transformation of Canadian Military Justice, Preston Lim
56 UBC Law review 107 (2023)


Increasing Equity in the Transnational Allocation of Vaccines Against Emerging Pathogens: A Multi-Modal Approach, Ana Santos Rutschman
51 The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 247 (2023)

The Originalism of F.R. Scott, Preston Jordan Lim
111 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) (Can.) 101 (2023)

Movement Lawyering to Empower Leadership from Subordinated Communities: Examples of Alternative Visions of Our Conceptions of Justice, Caitlin Barry
17 Journal Of Leadership Studies 34 (2023)

A Collaborative Model: The Villanova Law Library, Amy A. Emerson
Academic Law Library Structures: Past, Present, and Future 137 (2023)


Climate, Controversy, and Courts, Todd S. Aagaard
S.Cal.L.Rev.Online (2023)


Attaining Academic Tenure, Amy A. Emerson and Charlotte Schneider
Introduction to Law Librarianship (2023)

Preventing Vicarious Trauma and Encouraging Self-Care in Clinical Legal Teaching, Deeya Haldar and Sarah Katz
Contemporary Challenges in Clinical Legal Education 87 (2023)


Contingency and Contestation in Christianity and Liberalism, Michael P. Moreland
98 Notre Dame Law Review 1721 (2023)


Governance Seams, Brett Frischmann and Paul Ohm
37 Harvard Journal Of Law &Technology 1117 (2023)


Trends in China-Africa Economic Relations and Dispute Settlement, Won Kidane
43 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 291 (2023)


The Right To Social Expungement, Itay Ravid
60 American Criminal Law Review 347 (2023)


Procedural Posture and Social Choice, Michael Risch
107 Minnesota Law Review 1621 (2023)


24/7 Clean Energy, Todd S. Aagaard
94 University of Colorado Law Review 571 (2023)


The Future of Roe and the Gender Pay Gap: An Empirical Assesment, Itay Ravid and Jonathan Zandberg
98 Indiana Law Journal 1089 (2023)


Slow-goverance in Smart Cities: An Empirical Study of Smart Intersection Implementation in Four U. S. College Towns, Brett Frischmann and Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo
12 Internet Policy Review 1 (2023)

The Case for a Liability Rule to Stimulate Investment in Sub-Patentable Innovation, Ana Santos Rutschman and Jerome H. Reichman
Improving Intellectual Property: A Global Project 88 (2023)


Collection Due Process at Twenty-Five: A Still Important and Needed Check on IRS Collection, Leslie Book
20 Pittsburgh Tax Review 145 (2023)


The Mechanics of Share Repurchases or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Stock Buybacks, Richard A. Booth
28 Stanford Journal of Law,Business and Finance 42 (2023)


The "Crisis of Expertise" Reaches the Courtroom: An Introduction to the Symposium on and a Response to, Professor Cheng's Consensus Rule, David S. Caudill
67 Villanova Law Review 837 (2023)

Military Justice: Cases and Materials, Brenner M. Fissell, Eugene R. Fidell, Franklin D. Rosenblatt, and Dwight H. Sullivan


Lies,Damn Lies, and Kamikaze Lies: Protecting Falsehoods in the Name of Truth, Doris Deltosto Brogan
54 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 225 (2023)

Life in the Fast Lane: Dynamic Sentencing Developments Across the Nation, Steven L. Chanenson
35 Federal Sentencing Reporter 151 (2023)

Expertise In Crisis: The Ideological Cntours of Public Scientific Controversies, David S. Caudill


Externalities,Scarcity and Abundance, Brett M. Frischmann and Giovanni B. Ramello
7 Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 1 (2023)


Rightsizing Local Legislatures, Brenner M. Fissell
2023 Utah Law Review 393 (2023)


Friction-In-Design Regulation as 21st Century Time, Place, and Manner Restriction, Brett Frischmann and Susan Benesch
25 Yale Journal of Law and Technology 376 (2023)


Privileging Scholarship and Law School Compensation Decisions: It's Time to Shine Some Light, Ann Juliano
61 University of Louisville Law Review 291 (2023)


Nonconsensual Family Obligations, Emily Stolzenberg
48 BYU Law Review 625 (2023)

Submissions from 2022

Rights and Wrongs in the Vaccine Informational Ecosystem, Ana Santos Rutschman
Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs (2022)


Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement (WTO), Ana Santos Rutschman
International Legal Materials 1 (2022)


Sex and Coercion: Comments on Green's Criminalizing Sex, Michelle Madden Dempsey
26 Jerusalem Review Of Legal Studies 22 (2022)


Manipulating Facebook's Notification System to Provide Evidence of Techno-Social Engineering, Brett Frischmann, Katherine Haenschen, and Paul Ellenbogen
40 Social Science Computer Review 1478 (2022)


Friendship as the Primary Purpose of Law, Michael P. Moreland
67 The American Journal of Jurisprudence 279 (2022)


Everything I Know About the Bond Market I Learned From Litwin V.Allen An Essay (In Two Parts) For Ralph Winter, Richard A. Booth
17 Virginia Law & Business Review 1 (2022)


The Boy of Summer: The Art and Anger of Roger Kahn, Mitchell Nathanson
31 NINE: A Journal of Baseball History & Culture 97 (2022)

Justice Scalia's Impact on Canadian Jurisprudence, Preston Jordan Lim
106 Supreme Court Law Review 409 (2022)


Too Much of a Good Thing? A Governing Knowledge Commons Review of Abundance in Context, Brett M. Frischmann, Michael J. Madison, Madelyn R. Sanfilippo, and Katherine J. Strandburg
7 Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 1 (2022)


Corporate Governance Guidelines: How to Improve Disclosure and Promote Better Corporate Governance in Public Companies, Jennifer O'Hare
49 Florida State University Law Review 257 (2022)


Reducing Administrative Burdens to Protect Taxpayer Rights, Leslie Book, T. Keith Fogg, and Nina E. Olson
74 Oklahoma Law Review 527 (2022)


Don't Forget the "G" in ESG: The SEC and Corporate Governance Disclosure, Jennifer O'Hare
64 Arizona Law Review 417 (2022)


Covid-19 Policies at Sports Venues: The NFL Should Have Required Attendees to Be Vaccinated, David S. Caudill
29 Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal 1 (2022)


Unidentified Police Officials, Teressa Ravenell
100 Texas Law Review 891 (2022)


Why Capacity Market Prices Are Too High, Todd S. Aagaard and Andrew N. Kleit
75 Utilities Policy 101335 (2022)


Against Criminal Law Localism, Brenner M. Fissell
81 Maryland Law Review 1119 (2022)


The Way Lawyers Worked, Michael Risch and Mike Viney
90 University of Cincinnatti Law Review 822 (2022)


Expanding Immigrant Justice by Training Professionals, Michele R. Pistone
61 Judges Journal 15 (2022)


How the Process of Building Legal Technology Creates Professional Agility, Amy A. Emerson
14 John Marshall Law Journal 101 (2022)


What's a Nice Company Like Goldman Sachs Doing in the Supreme Court? How Securities Fraud Class Actions Rip Off Ordinary Investors - And What To Do About It, Richard A. Booth
66 Villanova Law Review 71 (2022)


Progressive Algorithms, Itay Ravid and Amit Haim
12 UC Irvine Law Review 527 (2022)

Electricity Capacity Markets, Todd S. Aagaard and Andrew N. Kleit


Unincorporating Qualified Immunity, Teressa Ravenell
53 Loyola University of Chicago Law Journal 371 (2022)


Qualified Immunity and Unqualified Assumptions, Teressa Ravenell and Riley H. Ross III
112 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1 (2022)


Why Insurance Needs a Restatement: The Case of Settlement Decision Law, Chaim Saiman
28 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 162 (2022)


Foreword: Probing the Intersection of Climate Change and Public Health, Ana Santos Rutschman
16 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law and Policy 1 (2022)


Promoting Vaccine Innovation, Ana Santos Rutschman and Mirit Eyal-Cohen
83 Ohio State Law Journal 1003 (2022)


Viral Sovereignty,Vaccine Diplomacy,and Vaccine Nationalism: The Institutions of Global Vaccine Access, Ana Santos Rutschman and Sam F. Halabi
36 Emory International Law Review 1 (2022)

Submissions from 2021

Beyond Imagination?: The January 6 Insurrection, Mark C. Alexander, Michèle Alexandre, Erwin S. Chemerinsky, Danielle M. Conway, Anthony W. Crowell, Garry W. Jenkins, Kevin R. Johnson, Jennifer L. Mnookin, Kimberly Mutcherson, Andrew M. Perlman, Carla D. Pratt, Theodore W. Ruger, Daniel P. Tokaji, and Robert K. Vischer


Vaccine Clinical Trials and Data Infrastructure, Ana Santos Rutschman
2021 Utah Law Review 771 (2021)


Tort Remedies in Military Prisons and Brigs, Brenner M. Fissell and Max Jesse Goldberg
Journal of National Security Law and Policy (2021)


Nudging Humans, Brett Frischmann
36 Social Epistemology 129 (2021)


A Dose of Dignity : Equitable Vaccination Policies for Incarcerated People and Correctional Staff During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Itay Ravid, Jordan M. Hyatt, and Steven L. Chanenson
95 Southern California Law Review Postscript 1 (2021)


Judicial Application of Strict Liability Local Ordinances, Brenner Fissell and Guyora Binder
53 Arizona State Law Journal 425 (2021)